Wellness - Overcoming your worry
Worry may be a trait that is passed on genetically from your family or it may be an outcome of your environment. One or both of your parents may suffer from intense anxiety and you learn to be anxious because it is modeled for you as a way of living. The worry is usually driven by a need to have a guaranteed outcome. Of course there are very few situations that result in a sure-fire conclusion. Therefore the worrying does not seem to have any purpose or any positive effects in one’s life. The worrying can become habitual where you immediately turn to the feelings of anxiousness in your stomach, the endless spinning of your thoughts and the sense that disaster is about to occur. You believe that there is not an alternative to this way of being because you have been processing information in this manner your entire life. However,
there is a means to transform the worrying to peace
through physical exercise. There are many studies that
conclude that physical exercise brings a state of well
being First, make an appointment with your physician to clear you for participating in physical exercise. While you are walking, running, biking or other aerobic activity do the following:
A regular exercise program can lead you to living a life where you focus on living happily in the present instead of worrying about the future or dreading the past.