Wellness - How can I diet when I love to eat
The truth is you don't have to stop loving food in order to manage your weight. You just need to alter the ways you view it. Start by making a list of the foods you generally find irresistible. Evaluate the damage level from each of these foods in relation to your weight-loss goals. Then, instead of assuming you have to stop enjoying all of your favorites, consider how you can budget them into your life. Smaller
amounts, less often: Use this same approach with your favorite wines, chocolate-chip cookies or fried clams. Once you budget a special food such as ice cream into your diet, you can look forward to it all week. And because you know you get to have it eventually, you won't be as likely to crave it the rest of the time. Savoring: To break this habit of unconscious eating, practice slowing down and savoring your food. With this technique, you eat a very small amount of food while paying full attention to how it tastes and feels in your mouth. Force yourself to take tiny bites, about the size of a fourth of a teaspoon, and pay total attention to all the details of flavor, texture and even the temperature of the food. With each bite, allow yourself to feel contented and satisfied by the tastes as well as the sensations of eating. Next time you eat a fabulous dessert such as chocolate mousse cake, savor it and notice every detail. First
two bites: Instead of taking in all those calories, why not take advantage of the way your taste buds actually work? With any food you love, eat those first bites slowly, noticing details such as the cinnamon in the apple pie or the soft caramel swirl in the cheesecake. Close your eyes and let yourself delight in the taste. Eventually, you can actually train yourself to LOVE those first two bites, then stop and let the rest go. A
test for love: